Publicado: 23/Mar/2001
Actualizado: 29/Oct/2002
Esta clase la tenía por ahí medio olvidada, (la hice en Septiembre del 99 y ni me acordaba que la tenía) y hoy la he desempolvado para que puedas usarla, si así lo crees conveniente, no voy a ser yo el que te obligue a usarla... ¡faltaría más!
Si no quieres usarla en forma de clase, al menos puedes tomar la parte que necesites, por ejemplo el formato de la fecha, el signo decimal, etc. Aquí te dejo el código, tanto de la clase como de una pequeña prueba para mostrar la información de la configuración regional (local) del Windows.
Espero que te sea de utilidad.
Nos vemos.
GuillermoNota del 29/Oct/02:
Gracias a José María Mata por la información del "pequeño" bug en la función TrimNull, aunque no por eso dejaba de ser funcional, pero así es más correcto.
El código incluido en el zip ya tiene corregido ese fallo.
El código mostrado, está "coloreado" para que resulte más fácil la lectura.Este Link al fichero ZIP con el código de ejemplo: 5.41 KB
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' CLocaleInfo (03/Sep/99) ' Clase para obtener la información del idioma actual del sistema ' ' Probado en Windows 2000 Professional (23/Mar/01) ' Cambio en la función TrimNull (29/Oct/02) ' ' ©Guillermo 'guille' Som, 1999-2002 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Explicit ' LCID del idioma actual Private LCID As Long ' Longitud del buffer para obtener la información Private Const MAX_LOCALE_BUF As Long = 256& ' formato de la fecha Public Enum eDateOrder MDY = 0 ' Month-Day-Year DMY = 1 ' Day-Month-Year YMD = 2 ' Year-Month-Day End Enum '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Funciones del API para la información local '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Private Type FILETIME ' dwLowDateTime As Long ' dwHighDateTime As Long 'End Type Private Type SYSTEMTIME wYear As Integer wMonth As Integer wDayOfWeek As Integer wDay As Integer wHour As Integer wMinute As Integer wSecond As Integer wMilliseconds As Integer End Type 'Private Declare Function GetUserDefaultLangID Lib "kernel32" () As Integer Private Declare Function GetSystemDefaultLangID Lib "kernel32" () As Integer Private Declare Function SetLocaleInfo Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetLocaleInfoA" _ (ByVal Locale As Long, ByVal LCType As Long, _ ByVal lpLCData As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetLocaleInfo Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetLocaleInfoA" _ (ByVal Locale As Long, ByVal LCType As Long, _ ByVal lpLCData As String, ByVal cchData As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetTimeFormat Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTimeFormatA" _ (ByVal Locale As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ lpTime As SYSTEMTIME, ByVal lpFormat As String, _ ByVal lpTimeStr As String, ByVal cchTime As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDateFormat Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDateFormatA" _ (ByVal Locale As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ lpDate As SYSTEMTIME, ByVal lpFormat As String, _ ByVal lpDateStr As String, ByVal cchDate As Long) As Long '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Constantes '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Locale Types. ' These types are used for the GetLocaleInfo NLS API routine. ' Public Enum eLocaleInfo LOCALE_ILANGUAGE = &H1 ' language id LOCALE_SLANGUAGE = &H2 ' localized name of language LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE = &H1001 ' English name of language LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME = &H3 ' abbreviated language name LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME = &H4 ' native name of language LOCALE_ICOUNTRY = &H5 ' country code LOCALE_SCOUNTRY = &H6 ' localized name of country LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY = &H1002 ' English name of country LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME = &H7 ' abbreviated country name LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME = &H8 ' native name of country LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE = &H9 ' default language id LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY = &HA ' default country code LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE = &HB ' default code page ' LOCALE_SLIST = &HC ' list item separator LOCALE_IMEASURE = &HD ' 0 = metric, 1 = US ' LOCALE_SDECIMAL = &HE ' decimal separator LOCALE_STHOUSAND = &HF ' thousand separator LOCALE_SGROUPING = &H10 ' digit grouping LOCALE_IDIGITS = &H11 ' number of fractional digits LOCALE_ILZERO = &H12 ' leading zeros for decimal LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS = &H13 ' native ascii 0-9 ' LOCALE_SCURRENCY = &H14 ' local monetary symbol LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL = &H15 ' intl monetary symbol LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP = &H16 ' monetary decimal separator LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP = &H17 ' monetary thousand separator LOCALE_SMONGROUPING = &H18 ' monetary grouping LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS = &H19 ' # local monetary digits LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS = &H1A ' # intl monetary digits LOCALE_ICURRENCY = &H1B ' positive currency mode LOCALE_INEGCURR = &H1C ' negative currency mode ' LOCALE_SDATE = &H1D ' date separator LOCALE_STIME = &H1E ' time separator LOCALE_SSHORTDATE = &H1F ' short date format string LOCALE_SLONGDATE = &H20 ' long date format string LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT = &H1003 ' time format string LOCALE_IDATE = &H21 ' short date format ordering LOCALE_ILDATE = &H22 ' long date format ordering LOCALE_ITIME = &H23 ' time format specifier LOCALE_ICENTURY = &H24 ' century format specifier LOCALE_ITLZERO = &H25 ' leading zeros in time field LOCALE_IDAYLZERO = &H26 ' leading zeros in day field LOCALE_IMONLZERO = &H27 ' leading zeros in month field LOCALE_S1159 = &H28 ' AM designator LOCALE_S2359 = &H29 ' PM designator ' LOCALE_SDAYNAME1 = &H2A ' long name for Monday LOCALE_SDAYNAME2 = &H2B ' long name for Tuesday LOCALE_SDAYNAME3 = &H2C ' long name for Wednesday LOCALE_SDAYNAME4 = &H2D ' long name for Thursday LOCALE_SDAYNAME5 = &H2E ' long name for Friday LOCALE_SDAYNAME6 = &H2F ' long name for Saturday LOCALE_SDAYNAME7 = &H30 ' long name for Sunday LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1 = &H31 ' abbreviated name for Monday LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME2 = &H32 ' abbreviated name for Tuesday LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME3 = &H33 ' abbreviated name for Wednesday LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME4 = &H34 ' abbreviated name for Thursday LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME5 = &H35 ' abbreviated name for Friday LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME6 = &H36 ' abbreviated name for Saturday LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME7 = &H37 ' abbreviated name for Sunday LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1 = &H38 ' long name for January LOCALE_SMONTHNAME2 = &H39 ' long name for February LOCALE_SMONTHNAME3 = &H3A ' long name for March LOCALE_SMONTHNAME4 = &H3B ' long name for April LOCALE_SMONTHNAME5 = &H3C ' long name for May LOCALE_SMONTHNAME6 = &H3D ' long name for June LOCALE_SMONTHNAME7 = &H3E ' long name for July LOCALE_SMONTHNAME8 = &H3F ' long name for August LOCALE_SMONTHNAME9 = &H40 ' long name for September LOCALE_SMONTHNAME10 = &H41 ' long name for October LOCALE_SMONTHNAME11 = &H42 ' long name for November LOCALE_SMONTHNAME12 = &H43 ' long name for December LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1 = &H44 ' abbreviated name for January LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME2 = &H45 ' abbreviated name for February LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME3 = &H46 ' abbreviated name for March LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME4 = &H47 ' abbreviated name for April LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME5 = &H48 ' abbreviated name for May LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME6 = &H49 ' abbreviated name for June LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME7 = &H4A ' abbreviated name for July LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME8 = &H4B ' abbreviated name for August LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME9 = &H4C ' abbreviated name for September LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME10 = &H4D ' abbreviated name for October LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME11 = &H4E ' abbreviated name for November LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME12 = &H4F ' abbreviated name for December LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME13 = &H100F ' LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN = &H50 ' positive sign LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN = &H51 ' negative sign LOCALE_IPOSSIGNPOSN = &H52 ' positive sign position LOCALE_INEGSIGNPOSN = &H53 ' negative sign position LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES = &H54 ' mon sym precedes pos amt LOCALE_IPOSSEPBYSPACE = &H55 ' mon sym sep by space from pos amt LOCALE_INEGSYMPRECEDES = &H56 ' mon sym precedes neg amt LOCALE_INEGSEPBYSPACE = &H57 ' mon sym sep by space from neg amt End Enum ' Time Flags for GetTimeFormatW. Private Const TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS = &H1 ' do not use minutes or seconds Private Const TIME_NOSECONDS = &H2 ' do not use seconds Private Const TIME_NOTIMEMARKER = &H4 ' do not use time marker Private Const TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT = &H8 ' always use 24 hour format ' Date Flags for GetDateFormatW. Private Const DATE_SHORTDATE = &H1 ' use short date picture Private Const DATE_LONGDATE = &H2 ' use long date picture Public Function NativeLanguage() As String ' Devuelve el idioma actual, en el propio idioma NativeLanguage = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME) End Function Public Function Language() As String ' Devuelve el idioma actual Language = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SLANGUAGE) End Function Public Function Thousands() As String ' Devuelve el signo de los miles Thousands = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_STHOUSAND) End Function Public Function sDecimal() As String ' Devuelve el signo decimal sDecimal = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SDECIMAL) End Function Private Function TrimNull(ByVal sCadena As String) As String ' Devuelve la cadena hasta el primer null ' También quita los espacios extras Dim i As Long i = InStr(sCadena, Chr$(0)) If i Then 'TrimNull = Left$(sCadena, i - 1) ' esta sería la asignación correcta (29/Oct/02) ' gracias a José María Mata sCadena = Left$(sCadena, i - 1) End If TrimNull = Trim$(sCadena) End Function Private Sub Class_Initialize() ' Al iniciar la clase, obtener el ID del idioma usado GetLCID End Sub Public Function GetLCID() As Long ' Obtener el ID del idioma usado ' Lo he puesto en un método público por si se quiere refrescar la información LCID = GetSystemDefaultLangID GetLCID = LCID End Function Public Function LocaleInfo(Optional ByVal nLocaleInfo As eLocaleInfo = LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE) As String ' Devuelve la información indicada en el parámetro ' Si no se especifica el parámetro, ' será el nombre del idioma según la norma ISO (en inglés) Dim sBuf As String sBuf = Space$(MAX_LOCALE_BUF) Call GetLocaleInfo(LCID, nLocaleInfo, sBuf, Len(sBuf)) LocaleInfo = TrimNull(sBuf) End Function Public Function ShortDateFormat() As String ' Devuelve el formato de la fecha corta ShortDateFormat = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SSHORTDATE) End Function Public Function LongDateFormat() As String ' Devuelve el formato de la fecha larga LongDateFormat = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SLONGDATE) End Function Public Function NativeCountryName() As String ' Devuelve el nombre del pais (en el idioma propio) NativeCountryName = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME) End Function Public Function CountryName() As String ' Devuelve el nombre del pais (en inglés) CountryName = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SCOUNTRY) End Function Public Function LongDateFormatOrder() As String ' El orden de la fecha larga (MDY, DMY, YMD) Dim i As eDateOrder i = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_ILDATE) If i = DMY Then LongDateFormatOrder = "DMY" ElseIf i = MDY Then LongDateFormatOrder = "MDY" Else LongDateFormatOrder = "YMD" End If End Function Public Function DateFormatOrder() As String ' El orden de la fecha corta (MDY, DMY, YMD) Dim i As eDateOrder i = LocaleInfo(LOCALE_IDATE) If i = DMY Then DateFormatOrder = "DMY" ElseIf i = MDY Then DateFormatOrder = "MDY" Else DateFormatOrder = "YMD" End If End FunctionEl formulario de prueba (foto incluida)
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Prueba de Locale Info (03/Sep/99) ' Para mostrar algunos aspectos de la configuración regional ' ' Probado en Windows 2000 Professional (23/Mar/01) ' ' ©Guillermo 'guille' Som, 1999-2002 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Explicit Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click() ActualizarLCDInfo End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ActualizarLCDInfo End Sub Private Sub ActualizarLCDInfo() Dim tLocaleInfo As CLocaleInfo Set tLocaleInfo = New CLocaleInfo With tLocaleInfo Text1(0) = .LocaleInfo Text1(1) = .NativeLanguage Text1(2) = .CountryName Text1(3) = .NativeCountryName 'Text1(3) = .LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME) Text1(4) = .sDecimal Text1(5) = .Thousands Text1(6) = .ShortDateFormat Text1(7) = .LongDateFormat Text1(8) = .DateFormatOrder '& " , " & .LongDateFormatOrder Text1(9) = .LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL) Text1(10) = .LocaleInfo(LOCALE_SCURRENCY) End With End Sub
El formulario en ejecución